Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Stampin' Up - New Year

Good morning,

It seems ages since I posted on here and apologies for going "missing" again!!!

I do though, have a great excuse (for once)!  As you know September was the last month for the old Stampin' Up catalogue and the end of our Stampin' Up year.  With so many wonderful products retiring, many of you were tempted and decided to order, keeping me and my UPS man extremely busy!  Thank you to all of you who ordered and I hope that you are all enjoying using your new stash.

So our Stampin' Up New Year began on 1st October.  I have added, to the side of my blog, a copy of the catalogue.  If you click on it, it should take you to the Stampin' Up website copy, so no need to download it onto your own computers.

If you would like your own "proper" copy, then email me and we can sort you one out.  Of course they are free if you host a party.  The hostess gifts this year are so nice and in my opionion so much nicer than last years, as are many other new products and colours now available.  You are free to have your own individual parties, all by yourselves if you like, quite a few of you ladies were doing just that at the end of the year, gaining the freebies and hostess gifts, its one way of getting those lovely gifts - for free!!

Anyway, take a look at the new 2010-2011 Stampin' Up Ideas Book and Catalogue and we can go from there.  Just let me know if you would like to order, have a party or come and try the products at one of my classes.  If you are lovin' all the products, as much as I do, in the new catalogue and would like the chance of ordering them for yourselves with a 20% discount, let me know and I'll tell you how - it really is easy and you don't have to run a business!
I hope to be back with some samples to show you soon but I do like the ladies who come to my workshops and classes to be first to see samples, as I feel if they see them here first it spoils their surprise just a little!!!

Hope to see you at a class, workshop, party or crop very soon.

Happy crafting and catalogue surfing!


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