Saturday, 5 March 2011

Time with Tim

Many months ago I secured a couple of places at the Artsy Crafty 6 hour, mega crafting event at Newport Pagnel, with the extremely talented Tim Holtz, Leandra from Paper Artsy and Lin Brown from LBCrafts teaching two inspiring classes.

With Tim we made one of his configuations boxes, the class was so well planned, organised & equipped.  Tim was, as you can imagine, very clear in his teaching, very good at explaining and showed some really inspiring creative projects all made with his configurations boxes, it has left me wanting to make more!

Tim was also very available to each of us, with a little extra idea here and there and if we needed anything extra we only had to ask and Mario was on the case!

I didn't manage to finish my project on the day but I did get immediate inspiration as to how I was going to use my box.  We were taught how to make the carved tile letters and were advised to make three of them to use and it didn't take me long to think of C, S & K, for me and each of my girls. We were given a whole little sack of miniture goodies and I set too working out what item belonged to each of us and this is what I came up with:

C for Carole - in and around my box is tiny bottle of gin and an artsy flower.

S for Sarah - I had plenty of thoughts about things to attach around her little section.  I had in mind the numbers, because she is a mathematician, the key is hoping that she will find a flat in London soon, the hope tag is hoping that she settles well into her new job and the ticket of course, because she will have to look after her tickets whilst dashing around the big smoke!

K for Kimberley - as soon as I saw the wing I assigned it to Kim straight away.  Out of my daughters Kim is the most like her father, she is the one who always makes me remember him, he like her, loved to go places, see things and talk in other languages, so I gave her the wing in memory of her father, who's mother always told me he had wings! The tiny little bird is there representing a spare pair of wings, just in case and I've given her a couple of tickets, she will need them to get in to the next museum, theatre or cinema which ever she decides.  After the picture was taken I stuck a little pen nib just under the K, as she has a passion to write.

D is for David, I was a little concerned to start with about missing him out, but needn't have worried as I soon realised I'd got a fourth initial to choose.  Tim came round with letter stickers to each table and I rushed in to get my "D"!  By this time though, I'd committed the main focus box and was unable to add things assigned for especially him - but you will note; I've got him firmly held with a chain and whilst finishing my project today he giggled and told me to stick some money in, as he reckons that's why I love him!

This is my completed configurations box.  I am so pleased with it and I have loved adding a few of my own items, like the watch in the bottom left section.  This watch was given to me by Rudi's brother and wife over twenty years ago, I wore it and wore it until it made my wrist go bad (I wore off the top coat of metal and was allergic to what was underneath) and it was at that point my mother bought me a gold one.

You can't really see it very well but the little train wagon in the bottom middle compartment has "South Leicester" written on the side.  I picked it up this morning from a model railway exhibition, along with the old Beetle car and some track for my wagon.  I was delighted when I saw it this morning, I just had to have it (I come from Leicester and live near Oxford now, in case you didn't know!) and these last couple of treasure purchases gave me the enthusiasm to finish my project today.

 Other pics for you: this is Mario and I, he was great and helped Tim prepare all the things we needed for our project - bless him.........I know what pre-class prep is like and really appreciated how well it was done.

This is Alain from Ranger, he isn't normally the one who gets asked for a photo opportunity, but he reminded me of someone and I just couldn't resist being a little cheeky - he is cute ;) !

This is Francois, I found her blog during the weeks leading up to the event and she is amazing, you should check out her blog it is called "Papillon", (I will try and put in a link later, when I find my bit of paper that tells me how!) she travelled all the way from Belgium for the class and was a pleasure to meet.  She is hoping to get a place at Ranger U - the university of Ranger and I hope she gets one soon.

This is my final picture for you to take a look at, its the project I made with Leandra and Lin, I think this picture is one that I took of their sample, it looks better than mine!

I hope you have all enjoyed reading my extended post, a post I hope you will think is well worth the time it took me to write it!

Happy crafting to you all.



  1. Wow, where to start! Ok, i love your box, love how everything has a meaning. I think that's the greatest thing about the configuration boxes: you can put a lot of symbols in it and no one but you knows! In your box my favourite symbol is 'David's coin' ;) Thank you so much for your nice words on me, i feel honored! And as i told you, i had a great time meeting you too! hugs papillon

  2. i think your box is fab lets hope we can make these again
    love suexx
