When making the card I showed yesterday, I realised I'd got a great stencil left when I took the daisies off the Silhouette Cameo mat. I went back in to the Silhouette Studio file I'd made to make the card and was able to make an "offset" image of the daisies. I fed the same piece of paper back into my Cameo and cut the new offset outline of the daisies, that I used here, out of the scraps. I used the original cut out scrap as a stencil, which I chalked through.
I couldn't believe that I hadn't yet download an oval shape, so I went into the Silhouette America store and downloaded a file called "happy holidays' card kit", as it had a couple of ovals, a greeting, a very fancy border and a card - all of which can be ungrouped and used separately.
I manipulated the oval from that card kit, making another "offset" for the mat.
The inspiration came from this weeks Less is More challenge, you will see my card there.
I used Stampin' up Whisper White and Rich Razzleberry card stock to make this card.
Let's hope you get some time today to manipulate a Silhouette Cameo image or two!
Thanks for popping by.
It all sounds so clever Carole and the card is simply lovely!
ReplyDeleteI don't have space for a cutting machine in my tiny craft room!
Thanks so much
"Less is More"
looks fab x
ReplyDeleteThe sentiment is higher than the sketch but a pretty card
ReplyDeleteLove the soft pastels
Thanks so much
"Less is More"