Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Watercolour for Card Makers - Day 8 & Silhouette Cameo

Hello Friends,

I was so excited by the lessons today over at the Watercolour for Card Makers online class.  Another day, another 3 awesome videos and 3 different takes on the lesson.

I'm a little bit ashamed to say it but I used the lesson that seemed the easiest to me again!  Laura Bassen used a die cut stencil to work with.  I searched through my own dies and didn't have any that I could really use, like she had used, so I headed straight back to my computer and opened up the Silhouette Software!

I cut out my most used image ever, this beautiful flower and used that.....

...it turned out to be very similar to yesterdays card, but today, I took a lot more time, waited for layers to dry and edged the whole thing with pencil, trying to make it look like I'd drawn it and then watercoloured it - so naughty!!!  Well I feel it's naughty, but it was the most fun and it's not naughty at all!

You should have seen the concentration on my face and you could have heard a pin drop whilst I was so very carefully trying to make this look like a great watercolour - lol!  It's not anywhere near as lovely as Laura's card, but I'm pretty pleased and want to practice some more.

I think this class is one of the best that Online Card Classes have bought us, or at least the one that has stretched me the most.  I feel that I will be heading back to that classroom regularly, when I have time to have a go at some of the more difficult techniques they are sharing with us.

Right I've got another project to do tomorrow, I'm doing a friend a favour, helping her make a couple of cards that 200 people have to sign (what a task!), so my desk has to be clear and tidy so that when she arrives we can get on!  I'll post pics of the project I make with her, if I get to photograph them before they go!

Happy crafting and thanks for popping by.

Carole x


  1. I love that you can always go to your Silhouette and find something that will work. Great job on the technique.

  2. I WAS JUST going to look in my Silhouette library and see what I had - very nice card

    Barb Housner
