Thursday, 2 August 2018

Groovi Zig-Zag Border 2 & Tina's Rosie Doodle plates

Hello Friends,

I'm back today with another Zig-Zag card for you to see.

I've been making frames for my class ladies for some time now and usually as soon as one class has finished, I'm on to designing the next frames, using different Groovi Plates for the next class.  Not this time though, I'm really enjoying working with my Zig-Zag frames.  It took me ages to get the measurements correct, so I might as well utilise the Silhouette file I created, as much as I can!

That's the beauty of making cards with my Silhouette, with the features available within the software to use, I can just keep on designing, all I have to remember for these designs though, is that I can't resize those zig-zags!

One of the main ideas behind my frames was to cut down on the amount of snipping that has to be done to make a card.  To me, so long as I'm using great card stock, I think they finish a Parchment card off neater than snipping round the edge sometimes.  With that said though, this time I thought it's time for a bit of snipping, after all it is one of the main components of Parchment Craft.  

For my card today, I pricked around the edge of one of the frames that I'd made (see my last post) and then went back to my trusty Silhouette to make a Zig-Zag card mat!  So easy when you know how ;)!

The parchment is attached to this card by just that tiny bit of thread on the button, in the centre of the butterfly.

The Groovi plates I used were;

I hope you like how I've used my Groovi Plates today.

Happy crafting.

Carole x

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