Friday 9 December 2011

What is a girl to do?

Hello everyone,

Just thought I'd post you some cards I've just made.  Now I have allowed myself some freedom to use what I like for a while, giving me a chance to use up stash I've had for ages, rather than panicing about using stash I have to/ought to, I made these beautiful cards this morning.

I was going to write some cards today, not make any......but then I opened Facebook and found my lovely FB friend Stephanie Ackerman had put out this freebie on her blog and I just had to play!

You are probably not aware but I've been doing some of Stephanie's classes and enjoyed every moment.  I have signed up for many classes over this last year by all sorts of different artists, of which many of them I only pay and watch but with Stephanie's classes I have actually joined in and played along.

So the future for me is uncertain at the moment, with the decisions I have to make bearing in mind the time it looks like I'm going to have to set aside to care for my daughter next year, I can tell you all one thing I will be doing and that is this class with Stephanie.  So if any of you "my ladies" want to sign up for this class that is going to run for a whole year, I will be happy to work along side you when I can.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas.



  1. They are gorgeous! glad you are enjoying some freedom x

  2. ooh gorgeous stamp, those cards are lovely!! x
