Thursday 3 May 2012

Part 2, Day 6 - A Cut Above

I am finally back with the project that I'd hoped to have posted yesterday, but unfortunately I worked for quite a while on my Silhouette software and I think I perhaps "over stretched it"!  Either that or my computer got a little too hot!

The class was all about cutting letters out and as I am supposed to be doing more scrapbooking, now that I am mostly retired I thought, I make a page.

I read Jennifer's blog yesterday and she put a link up of a Proctor and Gamble ad that was all about the forthcoming London Olympics and how proud parents were of their achieving children.  It made me think of how proud I am of my own.  My girls have done so well and looking back now, I'm pleased I pushed them, encouraged them, showed them a choice, showed them they could do well.  I woke them early, encouraged them to work hard at school, fed them the best and most healthy food and most importantly I really loved them and treasured them.

Even though they both suffer with Marfan Syndrome, they have never let that hold them back, in fact I think it has made them want to live their life more fully and I'm so proud of that.

This is my Kim, she is doing her finals at uni right now, before she ventures off to France for her first job, she is my European Miss and I am certainly going to miss her whilst she is away.

All the images were downloaded and cut with my Silhouette.  I changed one of the colours of the Print and Cut file in the top left image.

Now I'm off to check out and catch up with today's lesson and hoping to incorporate of page of my Sarah with that lesson ;) !

Happy crafting.



  1. Thanks for the email, love your page and glad you are enjoying the class so much, speak soon x

    1. Thanks Peg, I will get you scrappin' my friend! C x

  2. Love the quote. great job!

    1. Thank you, it was a download from the Silhouette store.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks again Debs, you are a kind friend. C x

  4. What a lovely layout! You will treasure it! I enjoyed reading your post and am happy to read your daughters are doing so well. I hope she enjoys her adventure in France. Very cool.

    1. Thank you so much Winnie, I have loved this class. I found the class really inspiring and my mojo is back ;) !

  5. I have just been looking at your class creations Carole and I'm so impressed with how you have put everything into practice. I like the snowflake card and this lovely layout but I absoluteley love the print and cut card. Brilliant work. I've been working on a scrapbook for a friend that has a time limit on it so I haven't been able to put much time in on the class yet but I've learnt such a lot from viewing the videos. Shame it has to end!

    1. Hi Carol, I looked for your email address but couldn't find it, your blog is great. Your creations are super too!

      I've learned so much and really pleased I invested in the machine. I am pleased you like my cards but I didn't manage to put my best ones up! Watch this space over the next week or two and you will see the ones I created during the first part on my Silhouette, but dare not show them as I used the Silhouette instead of a manual die cutter. Hope you get your friends album finished soon so that you can play more with your Silhouette. C x
