Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Splodge Mat Brayering - Card 2

My Friends, I'm back for my second post of the day.......

I'm getting confident now with this new Splodge Mat and my new lovely brayer (which I promise to take care of)!

You can tell I'm getting more confident because the colour I'm using is darker than my last card - lol!!!

For this card I've used Baja Breeze.....

..........LOOK ......... no lines, no gaps, no brayer marks, I'm just lovin' it!  Anyone might think I'd had Barbara Gray over - ha ha ha !!!

Hope my friend likes it as much as I do, it's her birthday next week.

I'll be back when I have something else to show you.

Have a happy crafty day.



  1. Love it!

    I have one too and must get it out again!!!

  2. I was thinking of getting one on those mats, good to see the effects one can achieve. The cards are just gorgeous! Mxx
