Thursday, 31 January 2013

Clean & Simple 2 - Day 3 (card 3)

Good morning Friends,

I really ought to be doing other stuff, you should see my ironing pile and paper work pile, but I couldn't resist making another card for yesterdays class.  Shari Carroll's card was so inspiring yesterday, she used ordinary mailing labels and stamped with a sponge dauber (I'd never have thought of that, not in a million years, yet I have so many of them!).

Here is my take on her card.......

It's a bright, bright sunshiny day here at the moment, the sun is flooding into my front lounge, so I chose the window sill there to photograph my card.  I have net curtains, which I thought gave some nice shadows on my photo going across diagonally!  I'll never make a photographer, but you get the gist.

I might be back later with another card, if I can get some of my jobs done before today's class comes in!

If you haven't signed up for Clean & Simple 2 yet, you need to head right over there NOW, you are missing so much fun!

Enjoy your day and I hope you find some time to craft.



  1. Super fun card with great colour combo. Hope you are well. Zx

  2. Love your layout and the colors...perfect heart with the button and a great coordinating strip of paper! Nicely done, Carole!

  3. Lovely colour choice!, x

    Hope the tights work with your hair? You gotta laugh eh?

    Thanks for your comment it made me giggle x
