Thursday, 28 March 2013

30th birthday card & crafting therapy

Hello Friends,

Crafting therapy is what I need right now, we had some awful news yesterday so in between thinking and praying as hard as I can, for a very special person in our family, I made a couple of cards.  The first one I made and posted without even thinking about photographing it, it just had to be sent!

Some of the nicest, kindest and most generous people sometimes get really sick and we can't help, we can't mend them, we want to - desperately, we want to take the pain that they are feeling and the pain away from close family members and make sick people better, but we can't.  We have to leave it to the specialist doctors and the power of prayer trusting them totally.  I'm personally praying those doctors can help our family member right now.  If you are reading this please pray too.  Thank you.

I've got lots of cards to make right now, I haven't actually felt like making cards for some time, my shoulder has been giving me jip and we've got a major refurbishment project going on in our home but making my special card this morning did remind me of the therapy card making gives me and I went on to make a card for a 30th birthday.  My friend's daughter is 30 on Easter Monday and I wanted her to have a nice card from us, this is what I made for her.......

I hope she will like it.  I really must tidy away my crafty stash now, whilst saying another prayer.  Wishing you all a very blessed and peaceful Easter.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Sarah's friend will love her card
    Have a good Easter weekend x
