Friday, 23 October 2015

New Home card - Silhouette Cameo

Hello Friends,

Apologies for the huge gap between posts, it's been a busy time here and this is the first card I've made in about 5 weeks!

Sometimes other stuff has to come first, although, I have to say, it's nice to be back crafting :)!

I've made this card for some of our friends who have just moved home.....

It was easily made using the Silhouette Studio software, my Silhouette Cameo, some pretty paper and a couple of pens!

I also highlighted some of the bits with one of my Wink of Stella sparkle pens.

I've got so many cards to catch up on, so bye for now, have a great weekend.

Hope you get some time to craft with your Silhouette soon.

Carole x


  1. Hi Carole

    What a fabulous card!

    If I was lucky enough to receive a card like this it would go into a frame and on my wall straight away! Love it!

    I hope all is good with you.

    Have a good day.

    Love Jules xx
